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Letters index

Index of speeches

Speech 1 - 14th July 1653
Speech 2 - 22nd January 1654
Speech 3 - 22nd January 1654
Speech 4 - 4th September 1654
Speech 5 - 12th September 1654
Speech 6 - 23rd January 1656
Speech 7 - 17th September 1656
Speech 8 - 20th January 1657
Speech 9 - 25th January 1657
Speech 10 - 4th February 1657
Speech 11 - 31st March 1657
Speech 12 - 3rd April 1657
Speech 13 - 8th April 1657
Speech 14 - 11th April 1657
Speech 15 - 13th April 1657
Speech 16 - 20th April 1657
Speech 17 - 21st April 1657
Speech 18 - 8th May 1657
Speech 19 - 9th June 1657



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