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Cromwell Day 2nd September 2013

Each year, usually on 3rd September, but in 2013 on the preceding day, the Cromwell Association holds a service of commemoration for Cromwell on the anniversary of his death in 1658. By kind permission of the Speaker of the House the service is held, whenever possible, by the statue of Cromwell overlooking Parliament Square. The service is only open to members of the Association though others are welcome to observe, and join in if so moved, from the pavement overlooking the statue.

The service in 2013 was conducted by the Rev. Tim Woolley and the address was given by Professor Colin Davis on the subject of ‘Cromwell and Honour’, the text of the address will appear in a forthcoming volume of Cromwelliana, the journal of the Association.

Isaac Foot

Isaac Foot, a co-founder of The Association,
at a Cromwell Day service in the 1950s.

Professor Colin Davis delivering the address

Professor Colin Davis delivering the address

A wreath was laid by the bust of Cromwell in the Members’ Lobby

A wreath was laid by the bust of Cromwell in the Members’ Lobby




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