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Cromwell College, Queensland, Australia

Cromwell College, part of the University of Queensland, in Brisbane, Australia, was opened in 1954 and was established by the Congregational Church. It is not unique in being named after Cromwell, in Cambridgeshire the Community College in Chatteris shares the same title. What distinguishes Cromwell College in Australia is the stained glass windows in the chapel which were given as a memorial to V.E. Hancock the principle founder of the College. The windows depict some biblical scenes in an Australian setting, and also include three key figures of the Uniting Church, including Cromwell. Cromwell heraldry is also represented. The windows were completed in the late 1980's and early 1990's.





Picture of stained glass window at Cromwell College, Queensland  

Cromwell College, Queensland. Cromwell is flanked on the left by John Knox, representing the Presbyterians, and Charles Wesley on the right representing the Methodists. The ship symbolises the Church bringing the Gospel to Australia. The windows were designed by Warwick Blair.


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