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Cromwell in the news

The record price paid for a British miniature was realised at Sotheby’s on 6th June when a Cooper portrait of Oliver Cromwell was sold for over £500,000. Not only is it the most expensive British miniature it is by far and away the most expensive portrait of Cromwell ever. This was widely reported in a number of the national broadsheets.

The painting, which measures a little over 4 x 3 inches, is signed and dated by Cooper 1657. Cooper was undertaking portraits of Cromwell and various members of his family from about 1650. There are several known versions of this portrait all of which derive from the ‘unfinished’ sketch in the collection of the Duke of Buccleuch. Under the Protectorate portrait miniatures were given to foreign ambassadors and others. This particular miniature is of the highest quality and a wonderful painting.

The painting was on loan to the Museum of London from the Harcourt family, who are descendants of Cromwell. It was loaned in lieu of death duties in the 1920’s, but the family decided last year to withdraw it and offer it for sale at auction. The original auction estimate was significantly lower than the price achieved, which reflects the outstanding nature of the piece.

The very best of news is that it has been purchased by a UK based institution, Compton Verney House in Warwickshire where it will be on display in due course.

Other references to Cromwell were perhaps more oblique. The change of premiership prompted an interesting article in The Independent 28.6.2007 about no 10 Downing Street. Not directly about Cromwell but about George Downing one-time Protectoral ambassador to the Hague and supporter of the Parliamentary cause, at least until he changed sides. He then indulged in a spot of speculative building and ensured his name would be remembered for evermore.

As ever there was a scattering of references in comment columns on contemporary politics. Robert Fisk in The Independent 19.5.2007 remarked on Blair ‘he allowed George Bush to do such things as Oliver Cromwell would find quite normal. Torture. Murder. Rape.’ Very unfair on Cromwell, no comment on fairness to Dubya. Simon Heffer in The Daily Telegraph 2.5.2007 mused on a possible dinner party game, ‘Who are the three great peacetime leaders of our country? ‘ His trio is Gladstone, Thatcher and Cromwell. Not sure that conversation would have flowed.

A very positive story again not directly about Cromwell, but about one of his associates was reported in several papers in the northwest, including the Manchester Evening News 3.4.2007, which reported the unveiling of a statue of Colonel Robert Duckenfield outside Dukinfield Town Hall. The cuttings show a rather splendid bronze statue and a fine and full civic ceremony with re-enactors, the Black Dyke Brass Band and very positive comments from the local Council. Hopefully it may prompt some action on the nearby figure of Cromwell languishing in Wythenshawe Park.
The Association’s Chairman was quoted in an article in The Sunday Telegraph 10.6.2007 about a possible new drama series for Channel 4 set in the Civil War. He questioned the value of, and the dangers in, mixing fact and fiction.

For anybody who may have been dozing through the cricket world cup you were not dreaming if you thought you saw a flag being waved at the Ireland-Bangladesh match that said The Lord Protector Huntingdon. Incongruous it might have been, but as the Hunts Post reported 19.4.2007, it was two local fans waving the name of their local pub, not members of the Association on a Caribbean recruiting drive.


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