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The Frederic L Borch III Essay Prize

The Cromwell Association is delighted to announce this new essay prize, aimed at all students between the ages of 16 to 19 years. We would like you to write a response to the question

Does Oliver Cromwell merit a statue outside the Houses of Parliament?

Essays should be no more than 2000 words, and should be submitted, in Word format, to Serrie Meakins by 31 July 2016. Professor Peter Gaunt, President of the Cromwell Association will decide the final winner and the result will be announced at Cromwell Day 3 September 2016, with all applicants being advised by email immediately afterwards.

The prize winner will receive a personal cheque for £150 and his/her school will receive one year’s free membership of the Cromwell Association Schools website. In addition, the winning essay will be published on our website and is likely to be published in Cromwelliana , our academic publication, as well. What better way to impress in a Ucas statement!

Frederic Borch III, winner of the Cromwell prize in 1975 for his essay, Cromwell: Dictator or Constitutionalist? and a life member of the Cromwell Association, is the Regimental historian and Archivist for the US Army’s Judge Advocate General’s corps. He served 25 years as an Army lawyer before retiring as a colonel and has been a legal historian since 2006. We are very grateful to him for his generosity in funding this essay prize.

Cromwell Association


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